PAIN file

SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) is a pan-European network that allows you to send and receive payments in euros (€) between two cross-border bank accounts in the eurozone.

Payment Initiation (PAIN) is an xml file format, which is used in the Corporate to Bank payment traffic.


PAIN.001 is a payments initiation message by ISO 20022. It depicts a Credit Transfer message in an XML format.

PAIN.001 is a generic payment file based on the pain.001.001, both 03 and 09 are supported, format standard and is used by corporates to send SEPA credit transfers in a file to the bank.

It supports the following type of payments:

You can find a format description on

Below you can find an example format of the Pain.001:

    MMMM20211231v1 2013-07-18T10:00:00 2 0.03 MIB   PmtInfId-MM20211231-1 TRF false NORM SEPA   2021-12-31 MïB NL Gräädt van Roggenweg 400 Utrecht    NL86RABO1999999991  EUR   RABONL2U    MIB InstrId305-312MM20211231v1 MIB E2E305-312MM20211231v1   0.01   RABONL2U   MIB 320 NL Graadt van Roggenweg 400 Utrecht    NL11RABO3444444443  EUR  MIB304-320MM20211231v1    PmtInfId-MM20211231-2 TRF false NORM SEPA   2021-12-31 MIB NL Graadt van Roggenweg 400 Utrecht    NL86RABO1999999991  EUR   RABONL2U    MIB InstrId305-312MM20211231v1 MIB E2E305-312MM20211231v1   0.02   RABONL2U   MIB 320 NL Graadt van Roggenweg 400 Utrecht    NL11RABO3444444443  EUR  MIB305-320MM20211231     


PAIN.002 or payment status message is a log file based on the pain.002.001.03 format, it contains the actual status of payments (example rejection, acceptance etc.) submitted by SEPA Credit Transfer (pain.001) or SEPA Direct Debit (pain.008).

You can find the format description on

Note: The format description on describes status information only on the rejected transactions. The pain.002 of the Business Bulk Payment Initiation and Business Direct Debit API(s) also supports the following statuses:

Interchange status/group status